We provide economical solutions to meet current issues of cost and timely delivery of much needed affordable and social housing.

Community-led housing projects improve the sense of community and build stronger neighbourhoods. We understand the social value of involving the community, as research suggests that the crime rates are reduced in areas where local people have assisted in developing their own communities.

Local people working together to design and build houses and develop their communities will be appealing to the public. This will help when gathering support for new homes and regeneration ideas. Thanks to the Vanbrugh Modular Housing System being easy to erect, unskilled people can build and develop these structures. Engaging with those that are currently not well served by the housing market, we can bring new skills and training opportunities to local people which in turn can tackle unemployment issues.

Through efficient use of resources, intelligent design of products and their uses, and reduction of greenhouse emissions and water use, we seek to lower the impact of climate change.

Steel is the world’s most important engineering and construction material that underpins almost every aspect of our lives – buildings, transport, infrastructure, home appliances and lifestyle goods. It can be recycled again and again. Steel’s natural characteristics make it a great sustainable choice in terms of its almost endless recyclability, the ability to future proof structures to be modified or extended later, the reuse of steel sections and the option to design in high strength steel to reduce mass.

Community-led housing projects improve sense of community and build stronger neighbourhoods.

We understand the social value of involving the community as research suggests that the crime rates area reduced in areas where local people have assisted in developing their own communities.

Local people working together to design and build houses and develop their communities will be appealing to the public. This will help when gathering support for new homes and regeneration ideas.

With our supervision, unskilled members of the community can build and develop these structures.

Engaging with those that are currently not well served by the housing market, we can bring new skills and training opportunities to local people which in turn can tackle unemployment issues. Working with unskilled members of the community can also help with labour costs.

The Vanbrugh Modular Housing System is both energy efficient and environmentally friendly.

Using our VMHS reduces your carbon footprint as once the frame is delivered to site, no requirement for further transportation of cement or block work is necessary. We can create genuinely cost effective and energy efficient housing solutions.


When our modular building has full filled its purpose, it can be disassembled and moved to another site. The land can be restored to its original pristine state, the ultimate eco-friendly concept.